Be counted in the UMW 2019 Census

Dear Presidents,
The United Methodist Women 2019 Census has already started!   Each local unit is asked to complete the online form by March 30, 2020 (but see note below).  While the form is typically filled out by the president of the unit, any designated person can do it.  It usually only takes 5-10 minutes to fill in the form.  If you send the form in late, after the deadline, it won’t be counted.

Note: We have received this message from the National UMW Director of Membership & Engagement.  See more here.

Given the COVID-19 pandemic, we understand and support the postponement and cancellation of events that impact the completion of the census. With this new reality of social distancing and self-isolation, we are going to extend the census due date until April 30, 2020.

It is important for all units of our District to submit their census information.  The results are reflected in programs and resources that are being developed by the National UMW office.  Note that this is not connected in any way with the census from the U.S. government!

If you need help, call me.

Carolyn Lamcke
Membership Nurture and Outreach

Here are the 5 easy steps:

  1. Go to the Census: Using your web browser, search for “United Methodist Women Census 2019”.  Or go to
  2. Plan your answers: You’ll see the introduction to “United Methodist Women Census 2019” with the form below.  I recommend printing it out, then filling it in.  This gives you the flexibility to fill it in as you have time, or to ask others in your group to help with the answers.
  3. Enter church Zip Code: When you start filling out the form use the Church’s ZIP CODE.  It will find your church.  On the line with your church’s name, click the button that says “Select.”  Otherwise the form won’t be sent or counted.
  4. Submit:  When you are done, click “Submit” at the bottom of the page.  If it says there is a mistake made, it will be highlighted in red.  Please fix the mistake and send it again.
  5. Done! If you did it correctly, you will get a “Thank You” note, which is great because it indicates your information went to the National UMW office.