Treasurer’s Report Q1 2022

Thank you to all of the units that have sent in pledges!  I have assumed treasurer responsibilities from Debbie Ow.  The new address for sending in remittances is:

          ECRD UMW, c/o Carolyn Bircher
          1663 Martin Ave.
          Sunnyvale, CA  94087

Here is a summary of 2021 finances.  The Pledge account is for contributions from the local units for missions, which are passed on to the conference (and then to National) UMW.  The Administrative account is for the El Camino Real District UMW events and operations.


  Pledges received  (Oct-Dec) $11,252.56
  4th qtr. remissions to conference UMW $11,252.56
  Interest received   $         0.09
  Dec. 31, 2021 balance $       63.47


2021 Deposits $     324.91
2021 Event expenses $     984.47
2021 Communication expenses   $       94.45
2021 Admin. Expenses $  1,036.14
Dec. 31, 2021 balance $  3,682.28

If you have questions, please email