This page contains resources for local unit Treasurers. If you have a Treasurer-related question, please contact our District UWF Treasurer.
Remittance form: Use this form when sending Mission Giving to the district treasurer. Mission Giving includes:
- Pledge to mission (Individual pledge card is available here.)
- Special Mission Recognition pin orders
- Gift to Mission or Memory card orders
- World Thank Offerings
- Funds designated for other specific UWF offerings or mission projects, such as the Prayer & Self-Denial offering or Gum Moon and Mary Elizabeth Inn support.
Special Mission Recognition (SMR) pin order form: Use this form for ordering pins to honor those who have made significant efforts towards our purposes. When ordering, please specify whether you prefer the cross or logo style of pin. Send order to the district treasurer.

Gift to Mission/Memory card order form: Use this form to order cards which benefit UWF missions. A donation of $5 or more should be sent for each “Gift to Mission” card ordered. No donation is needed to order “Gift in Memory” cards. Send your donation for them when you mail the card to a friend/family of the deceased. Send orders to the district treasurer.
World Thank Offering: Use the above Remittance form to send these offerings to the district treasurer. Resources for planning a World Thank program may be found in the Nov/Dec issue of Response Magazine or in the annual Program Resource book. A print & fold box for saving coins is available here.
The Five Channels of Mission Giving: This brochure explains the five channels (listed below) of mission giving. Units who support missions through all of these channels will be recognized at our Annual Celebration as being “5-Star Giving Units”
- Pledge to Mission
- Special Mission Recognition
- Gift to Mission cards
- Gift in Memory cards
- World Thank offering