Spiritual Retreat 2023 at Mission Springs, April 14-16

This year, we are resuming our in-person Spiritual Retreat, returning to the Mission Springs conference center in Scotts Valley, in the beautiful Santa Cruz mountains.  Come and experience this amazing, serene environment and see old friends, while re-connecting with nature and reinvigorating your personal sense of awe in the wonders of creation.

The forms for registration, scholarship application and the retreat flyer are all available in the links below.



Please register as soon as possible.  We have a maximum of 60 participants.

Theme:  Connecting with Creation and Experiencing a Sense of Awe

Leader:  Rev. Jennifer Goto

Rev. Jennifer Goto is an ordained elder in the UMC.  She has served at St. Paul’s UMC in San Jose and was active in their ministry at San Jose State University.  She was extensively involved in organizing PACT (People Acting in Community Together).  She is currently directing the “Bread of Life Center” in Sacramento, California.

Forms and materials:

To register by mail: (required for scholarship applicants)

  1. print out and complete registration form.
  2. print out and complete scholarship application (if applicable)
  3. Obtain scholarship recommendation from UWF president or pastor (if applicable)
  4. Mail completed form(s) and payment (minus any scholarship from the district) to:

Carolyn Bircher, 1663 Martin Ave.  Sunnyvale, CA 94087

To register online and pay using PayPal:

Recapture that “Sense of Awe”

I remember as a child, camping with my family in Big Basin.  My sister and I were so enthralled with the redwoods that we spent hours laying on our backs, just staring up at the tree tops.  (My parents were pretty disgusted when they developed the pictures from our brownie camera, only to find that all of them looked pretty much like this one!).  Come and recapture that sense of childlike awe at Mission Springs!

~Laurie Lindsey