Quick News: One-Day Retreat option; UMW Census

Spiritual Retreat at Mission Springs: “Choose Hope for God’s World”
March 13-15, 2020; One-Day Option, March 14

Retreat leader Charlotte Bear

In the peaceful setting of a women’s weekend retreat, explore what it means to choosing hope in a time of climate chaos. Come rejuvenate yourself in the beautiful coastal redwood forest.  Learn some evidence based, transformational therapies that deepen your authentic connection to the non-human natural world.  Find out more about how worldviews shape our past/present/future, about climate reality today and ways to manifest real hope.

One-Day (Saturday) Option:  For those unable to attend the full weekend retreat, we are offering a Saturday-only option.  This includes the Saturday program sessions, lunch and dinner, and the Gifts & Graces Talent Show.

Retreat Leader Rev. Charlotte Bear is an Elder with 23 years professional ministry experience as a senior Pastor, Healthcare Chaplain and certified Eco-Chaplain.  She is also a certified Climate Reality Leader.  Combining personal story with current science and eco-therapeutic techniques, she provides a framework for re-booting a constructive relationship with sacred Earth community.

Because of the new one-day option, we have extended the registration deadline to Monday, March 9, 2020.

Online and mail-in registration is available.  Get more information on the Retreat web page.

Be counted in the UMW 2019 Census

Dear Presidents,
The United Methodist Women 2019 Census has already started!   Each local unit is asked to complete the online form by March 30, 2020.  While the form is typically filled out by the president of the unit, any designated person can do it.  It usually only takes 5-10 minutes to fill in the form.  If you send the form in late, after March 30, it won’t be counted.

It is important for all units of our District to submit their census information.  The results are reflected in programs and resources that are being developed by the National UMW office.  Note that this is not connected in any way with the census from the U.S. government!

You can find the 5 easy steps here.  If you need help, call me.

Carolyn Lamcke
Membership Nurture and Outreach