Planning for Annual Celebration: Nominations, Budget

In advance of the October 26 District UMW Annual Celebration, we must post some information on our website for your review.

As shown below, the Nominations Slate and Administration & Membership Development Budget will be voted on during the meeting; you will have an opportunity to ask questions before the vote is taken.

  1. 2020 Nominations Slate
    Here are the nominees for the District UMW leadership team for 2020:
    Secretary, 1st two-year term: Ginny Johnson
    Education and Interpretation, 1st two-year term: Lauren Michelle Stevens
    President, 2nd two-year term: K Stone
    Vice President, 2nd two-year term: Lynn Hermoso
    Social Action Coordinator, 2nd two-year term: Kathy Kim
    Positions open:  Member, Committee on Nominations, 1st two-year term (2 places available)
    If you are interested in being part of the District UMW team for the other positions, please contact us

  2. 2019 Administration and Membership Development Budget
    This budget has the same total as last year, but the breakouts are slightly different.  Note that these are funds that we receive from the CA/NV Conference UMW per our request.  No contributions from local units are used for this budget; they are all forwarded to Conference UMW, who send it to National UMW, where it is disbursed to mission and ministry to women, children and youth around the world.

    Item/Event Amount Comment
    District Weekend Retreat $   5,000 (all officers + scholarships)
    Mission u 3,500 (all officers + scholarships)
    Annual Celebration 1,050
    District Executive Team Expense 1,000
    Connect and Learn 750
    Membership event 500
    Social Action event 500
    Newsletter/Website 500
    Audit 500
    Gifts: Mary Elizabeth Inn, Gum Moon 200
    TOTAL  $ 13,500