Organize for Growth

We are organized for growth, with flexible structures leading to effective witness and action.

El Camino Real District UWF is part of the California-Nevada Conference UMW, which in turn is part of the national United Women in Faith.

Purpose of United Women in Faith
United Women in Faith shall be a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church.
We do this by living the Vision:

  • Providing opportunities to grow spiritually
  • Organizing for growth with flexibility
  • Providing opportunities for women and girls to be leaders
  • Working for social justice through compassionate service and advocacy
  • Providing transformative educational experiences

Our region includes local groups from the southern Bay Area of Northern California, from Pleasanton in the northeast, to Soledad in the south, to Palo Alto in the northwest. See all local groups here.

Have questions about how your group should be (or could be) organized?  See “Local Group Organization.”

Your District UWF team develops events, activities, and info focused on “Living the Vision.”  They connect local groups with District, Conference, Jurisdictional, and National UWFopportunities and information. 

Treasurer’s Information

Here are resources for local Treasurers.  If you have a Treasurer-related question, please contact our District UWF Treasurer.

Use this Remittance form when sending in your Mission Giving or ordering SMR pins, Gift to Mission, or Gift in Memory. 

These resources support the Five Channels of Mission Giving:  

Groups who support all five channels of mission giving are recognized at our Annual Celebration as being “5-Star Units.”

Additional resources