Oct. 31, 2020: “Changing Ourselves, Changing the World” workshop

Saturday, October 31, 10am – 11:30am PST 
Zoom workshop led by Lisa Hatchett and Betty Spencer Dickey

Changing ourselves to change the world is a pretty big task.  So many extreme weather events have happened the last few years that the world seems out of control.  Do we have a part in that?  

In this workshop, we will:

  • explore the role climate change plays in our extreme weather
  • delve into scripture to find out what God expects of us
  • discuss how climate has impacted our lives and our planet
  • identify steps we can take as individuals to slow the rate of climate change.  

About the workshop leaders: 

Betty Spencer Dickey is on her local and UMW District team.  She is also a United Methodist Woman Be Just Be Green Jurisdictional Climate Guide for Western Jurisdiction. 

Lisa Hatchett is the President of the Santa Clara UMC UMW local chapter and has a BS degree in Chemistry from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.  She spent many years working in the semiconductor equipment industry.

This workshop is hosted by El Camino Real United Methodist Women.

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