On to new Adventures…but always in my heart ~
As many know, I’ve been kicking around, trying out a nomadic-life style, this past year. It’s been fun, with many different experiences. However, the time has come, and I’m looking forward to my new home in Springfield, Missouri. Yikees, did I say that out loud!
As I write, I am filled with gratitude. For the many friendships, collaborations on missions, service and advocacy, as well as, thru the amazing United Methodist Women, thank you for adding your touch to K! Being part of United Methodist Women, not only thru my church, Almaden Hills UMW, but also the district transitioning from San Jose to El Camino Real and the CA-NV Conference UMW, will always be an indelible fingerprint on my heart.
As you’re aware, the El Camino Real District team is strong & vibrant under the leadership of Debbie Ow and her team. I’m so excited to see their growth and impact on women, children and youth near and far.
I will be flying out, to Springfield, on March 1st.
Once settled, I’ll continue my exploring & travel adventures…either by train, air or RV Camper Van…or who knows, maybe by camel! I hope to be involved with mission work, perhaps thru the NOMAD program of the UMC, or UMVIM trips. I’m excited to go church-hunting, a key factor being the UMW and missions!
We will meet again. Please stay in touch. As I will, when I visit California again!
Thank you for your friendship, your Gifts and Graces.
K Stone
I Choose Hope ~