Here I am on Valentine’s day, 2022, having just received another radiation treatment as I am writing this post. For me, this year’s UMW theme, “Healing and Joy on our Journey to God”, is particularly poignant. I am so grateful to be finished with the chemo and surgery, having received the best possible outcome as no cancer was found in the last breast MRI. The radiation treatments so far are a ”piece of cake” in comparison and are meant to eliminate any cancer that somehow escaped the notice of the MRI.
I also give thanks for my superb district team members. Our Connect and Learn event was even more successful than we anticipated. Because it was online, we had quite a few attendees from other districts, who might otherwise have been unable to attend! Many thanks to Carolyn Bircher for her creativity and dedication in pulling the event together. Marlene Ward’s presentation was thought -provoking and encouraging. If you missed it, you may download a copy of the slide presentation from this link.
As we prepare for our El Camino Real District Spiritual Retreat, I am especially looking forward to learning about healing and how God can work in our lives to better our spiritual and physical wellbeing. Our speaker will be Beth Carter, a Board Certified Health Coach. This will be a new concept for me but one from which I can certainly benefit. Special thanks to Sandra Nesheim for heading up this event.
As I close this note, I want to especially express my gratitude to all of you who continue to support UMW through these unprecedented and challenging times. You are what makes UMW such a great organization that accomplishes a great deal of good in our world.
Blessings on you as we enter into the holy season of Lent and Easter. May God’s goodness and love fill your life with joy!