“Faith Talks” podcast offers special COVID-19 live events

Faith Talks podcastThe coronavirus pandemic has led to school and business closures, job loss, overwhelmed grocery stores and sick and stressed out family members. Places of worship are thinking through how to remain connected amidst mandates for social distancing to slow the spread of the virus. Even in the face of fear and uncertainty, we know faith is possible. Join host Jennifer Farmer and other women of faith for a live recording of the @UMWomen #FaithTalks podcast. To accommodate you, we will host two separate recordings on Thursday, April 2. You can join one or both sessions.

The first recording is from 2:00 p.m. to 3 p.m. ET  (11am to noon PDT) on April 2 and I will interview United Methodist Women Executive for Spiritual Growth & Formation Nora Cunningham and guests Dr. Melany Silas, Minister Onleilove Alston, Rev. Jim Keat. The session will be held via Zoom Video Conference and you can register here: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_WBWvUZDPR_u8rmvSSojyrg.

The second one is from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. ET (3pm to 4pm PDT) on April 2 and I will interview Nora Cunningham, Rev. Katey Zeh, Pastor Gail Dudley, Valerie Ashford Brown. To listen to this session, which will also occur via Zoom, register here: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_OSQ672aPSMiGGBsCXkaF5w.

In these special #FaithTalks recordings, we will gain insights on remaining faithful in the face of fear, connecting spiritually during social distancing and strategies for online worship.

Prior to the call, you’ll want to download Zoom on your phone or computer. Once you download Zoom, you’ll have the option of joining via computer or phone. Should you have questions for the panelists, please email them to me at jenniferr@spotlightpr.org.

See other topics in the Faith Talks series of podcasts here:  https://www.unitedmethodistwomen.org/faithtalks