Feb. 20, 2021: Connect & Learn – It’s a New Day!

Saturday, Feb. 20, 2020 – Zoom meeting
In the last year, our world changed dramatically, socially and politically. And even in our District United Methodist Women, we have changed the way we are organized and how we connect with each other.  Be part of Connect & Learn 2021 as we develop more new ideas and new commitments to the work of United Methodist Women. 


About Connect & Learn

Connect & Learn is our annual gathering of El Camino Real District United Methodist Women, focused on leadership training and resources.  This year, due to shelter-in-place protocols, we are holding it as an online “Zoom” meeting.

After the meeting is opened, our keynote speaker, Rev. Linda Holbrook, will explore what leadership looks like today.

Following the keynote, two sets of breakout groups will be offered to prepare women for leadership roles in UMW, and to explore what UMW is about.

The first breakout session will focus on organizational roles. Participants can choose one of these breakout groups:

  • President/main contact, treasurer
  • Vice President and program planning
  • Reading Program and program resources
  • Secretary and communications
  • Being a member of UMW

The second breakout session will focus on mission and ministry.  Participants can choose one of these breakout groups:

  • Educate to Transform (includes Education & Interpretation)
  • Grow Spiritually (includes Spiritual Growth)
  • Serve & Advocate (includes Social Action)
  • Organize for Growth (includes Membership Nurture & Outreach and Nominations)

All women are invited and encouraged to attend.  Whether you are an officer, or just curious about UMW and its mission, ministry, and involvement in social action issues, there will be something here to rekindle your spirit.

Keynote Speaker Rev. Linda A. Holbrook

Rev. Linda Holbrook

Rev. Linda Holbrook

Linda is an ordained elder in the California Nevada Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church.  She was ordained in the Central Texas Conference and moved to California in 2011.  Linda retired in 2018. 

Prior to going to seminary and becoming a pastor, Linda was in the business world as a consultant focusing on visioning and strategic planning, change management, team building, leadership training, and conflict resolution.  While working in the business world she heard the call to leave the business world and go to seminary. 

Linda attended Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University in Dallas Texas.  She earned a Doctor of Ministry degree from Claremont School of Theology with an emphasis in leadership. 

Registration is closed.