June 5-7, 2020: Central Valley District UMW Spiritual Retreat

“Sacred Rest”

Episcopal Conference Center Oakhurst (ECCO)

Episcopal Conference Center Oakhurst (ECCO)

In a world that values production many of us are often running on fumes, seeking and desiring rest, but what does that look like? How do we find the sacred rest our minds, bodies, souls require so we can better serve in the ways the Lord has called us too?

The Central Valley District United Methodist Women (part of our CA/NV Conference) are offering this spiritual retreat at the ECCO Conference Center in Oakhurst, just 12 miles from the south gate of Yosemite National Park.

During the retreat, June 5-7, 2020, you’ll explore 7 kinds of rest as outlined in “Sacred Rest” by Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith, and develop practices that can help sustain the kinds of sacred rest one may not even know one craves.

For more information, please see the event flyer. Please register by May 10, 2020.