Deb St. Julien is a retired Family Practice and OB/GYN Nurse Practitioner. She has been a member of SURJ (Showing Up For Racial Justice) at Sacred Heart since December of 2016.
Deb see’s the work of dismantling white supremacy and building a truly just society as a spiritual practice. She believes faith communities are the perfect place to face the harsh history and consequences of racism in our country. These communities believe that truth sets us free, that grace and mercy are available, and that we are called to work together to dismantle the evil of racism and to work for repair and restoration.
Sigrid Jacobsen has been teaching at Archbishop Mitty High School for over 15 years in the Science and Religious Studies Departments. For many years she believed that teaching young people about social justice was enough to live out a Christian vocation. But after the summer of 2020, teaching without action felt empty. Since finding SURJ, she continues to be challenged to “Show Up” for racial justice and to view this as a spiritual discipline.