Climate Justice: Be Just. Be Green.

Welcome to our Green page! Here are some useful links:

  1.  OhmConnect – program to get rewarded for saving energy.

Notes:  Some of the links on this page are no longer good.  We will rework it as time permits.

Betty Dickey – Western Jurisdiction

I’m Betty Spencer Dickey, the Western Jurisdiction Guide working through the National UMW

Betty Dickey at Climate Strike 2019

Betty with United Methodist Women at the Climate Strike, September 2019, in San Jose, CA

Environmental Justice Department.  My role is to work with United Methodist Women in the Alaska, California-Nevada, Oregon-Idaho, and the Pacific Northwest Conferences.

I am available to help women from local, District and Conference UMW groups be better stewards of resources when they have their meetings and be advocates for our planet and those who are affected by the injustices that result from climate issues.

Contact me at .

How can you celebrate Earth Day all year long?

Earth Day

United Methodist Women invites you to join them in honoring the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. Visit their website to learn about the 5 ways you can participate in Earth Day this year that connect with UMW’s Just Energy for All Campaign.

It may be hard to imagine that before 1970, a factory could spew black clouds of toxic smoke into the air or dump tons of toxic waste into a nearby stream, and that was perfectly legal. They could not be taken to court to stop it. How was that possible? Because there was no EPA, no Clean Air Act, no Clean Water Act. There were no legal or regulatory mechanisms to protect our environment. Rivers and lakes caught fire they were so polluted!

It’s hard for me to believe it has been 50 years since the first Earth Day was held. It was April 22, 1970 and it marked the beginning of the environmental movement. There was a grassroots environmental movement going on and it was hoped that this event would increase ecological awareness.

Click here to learn more, and see what we can do to improve the environment.

Want to do more?

Here are the two groups who were represented with us in our Climate Justice panel discussion at the 2019 District UMW Annual Celebration. They are active in our communities, and offer good opportunities to support climate justice.

Mothers Out Front California Interfaith Power and Light

Mothers Out Front (South Bay)
Mobilizing for a livable climate

California Interfaith Power & Light
Organizing a statewide religious response to climate change

More Climate Justice Resources

  • National UMW Climate Justice: Be Just. Be Green.  Lots of ideas and activities are listed here! Especially see the “13 Steps to Sustainability” with instructions for you to make your meetings and programs better for the earth and for the people who attend.
  • Climate Justice Simulation. This is a role-playing exercise that I can lead your group in, to understand some of the concerns of an environmentally degraded community. It takes about an hour, and could be an interesting experience for your circle or local group.
  • Campaign to sign a letter to Chevron asking them to catch up with its peers in reducing methane leaks at its plants.  Chevron Corporation is the second biggest emitter of carbon dioxide in the world since 1880.  Read about the campaign already started and help us to continue to keep the pressure on this company.
  • Become a Be Just. Be Green Advocate.  When you submit the Advocate form, you will receive periodic news, updates, tips and special training and service opportunities by e-mail from your jurisdictional guide and the national advocacy team.
  • Recycle just about anything! Check out these recycling websites:
    • TerraCycle: recycle contacts lenses, toothbrushes, Febreeze containers, Vans shoes, and just about anything else you can think of.
    • RecycleNation: learn to recycle and live sustainably
    • Earth911: learn how recycling works, how to upcycle and repurpose items, and live “green”