March 20, 2021: “A Path Appears” Social Action event

Our CA/NV Conference United Methodist Women are offering a virtual Social Action event, “A Path Appears.”  The focus of the event is “Transforming Lives: Prison and School Reform.”  

Saturday, March 20, 2021
10:00am-noon PT
via Zoom

Presenters include:

  • Dr. Karen Gedney, Retired prison physician, catalyst for prison reform and mentor
  • Matthew D. Ochs, Social Studies teacher, Reno High School
  • Student Representatives, Students for Change, Washoe County School District, NV
  • Student Representative and Founder, Reno High School Black Student Union
  • Student Representatives, Washoe County School District Diversify our Narrative

In this exciting event, we have a retired prison doctor and change maker speaking.  In addition, perhaps as many as 10 high school students, all female, will talk about the work of 3 organizations they have founded that promote inclusion and work for change in the school district.  Because of our young speakers, we encourage making a special effort to reach out to young people in our church to register and participate. 

Get the flyer with information about the presenters and the event here. 

Register hereRegister by Friday, March 19, 2021.